The Ins And Outs Of Home Security

Do you want answers on the subject of home security systems? Do you feel overwhelmed about where to start? If this sounds like you, think about your different options. Read this article to learn everything you need to know about home security.

Don’t ever let it be apparent that there is no one at home. You can purchase timers that can control your household electronics such as lights, TVs and radios. This way, your house will always look occupied. It is also another way to secure your home.

Your dog could carry a spare house key for you. This can be done if you have a dog door or an outdoor dog. You could simply put a key onto your dog’s collar, so when you forget your keys your dog can let you in.

After you buy your new house, get new locks. This is because you really have no idea who has keys, and therefore access to your home. Changing the locks will give you peace of mind that you and your family are the only ones who have access to your home. Give a key to someone you trust in case you get locked out.

Check out their references fully.If the house cleaner is employed by a company, call the Better Business Bureau to check on the company’s reputation.

Seek recommendations from friends and family when choosing a security company or system. They may have had experiences with certain companies and can lead you in the right direction. Ask around so you’ll have as much advice as you need in order to make a sound decision.

You should never want to open up a door to someone you do not know. People often think of ways to trick others into letting them in so that they can commit burglary or worse. Make a habit to only open your home’s door for an unexpected visitor.

Get rid of all of the dead wood and vegetation in your yard during the summer months. You risk a house fire if that sits there during the heat of the summer and catches fire. Clear your yard often if you want to prevent a fire from starting.

These items have a higher chance of catching fire hazard due to heat and storms with lightning. Clear your yard so it looks good and is safe.

Contact the local police department to find out more about the protection programs they offer. These programs may include engraving identification codes on your valuables, home inspections, and advice about home security. Speak with the police in your area to see if they have these things.

Police Department

You should always park your car inside your garage instead of using your garage to store some belongings. If your car is in your garage there is less of a chance to vandalize or steal it. Besides, intruders will have a hard time determining whether or not you are home if you keep your car inside your garage.

See if your area police department has any home protection programs. Many have quite a few helpful programs that you take, home security training and more. Contact the police department to find out if they offer this type of program.

Be brave! Build up a rapport with the people who own homes close to yours. By knowing the people in your neighborhood, you can rest a little easier knowing that people are looking out for each other. Don’t ignore the gossip. You might find out valuable information related to security, like if there have been any strangers hanging around.

Make sure that none of your valuables cannot be seen from outside the home. Large windows let in a lot of light, but they also allow others to peer into your home.

After making major (i.e. expensive) purchases, don’t dump the packaging out front if your next scheduled garbage pick-up is several days away. Having these boxes outside of your house will give robbers the temptation of robbing your house.

When you choose an alarm system, be sure and get one that protects more than your doors. All windows can be entry points for a thief too. You want to be sure that the alarm is connected to all windows and doors. This will make your family safe.

Remove and replace any wood that is not up to par. It is simple for a robber to pry away rotting wood and enter your home. Replace any wood that has begun to rot with new wood so that your house stays safe.

Security System

If someone from the security company comes to your home, ask to see their ID before allowing them in. Many thieves use this tactic to enter a house. Don’t allow this to happen, as it is a direct threat to your house and its contents. Take care to steer clear of danger.

Hide the wires of your home security system’s wiring.Intruders can disable your home security system by cutting or unplugging the wires. This can make you much safer.

Get your home security system custom built for your needs. Each homeowner has different priorities in terms of home security. A custom set-up will make sure you’re as safe as can be.

Flashlights are essential since they allow you to move around if an emergency should arise. Your kids should be trained on the proper use and maintenance of flashlights.

Purchase a paper shredder to prevent your discarded papers from providing burglars with valuable information. Thieves might go through your trash bags to find bills for valuables or personal information. You can also simply tear papers with personal information into small bits before you discard them.

Always get references before letting anyone work on your home. You should do background check as well to find out about their criminal history. You need to be very careful with the contractors, and giving access to the wrong one can prove disastrous.

Can you read your house numbers while in the street? During an emergency crisis, smaller numbers prevent emergency personnel from finding your home quickly. Luckily, you can fix this quickly and cheaply if you see there’s a problem.

Having your home lit up and bright at night will scare crooks away. They do not want to avoid being seen. Keep your lights on during the night.

Keep blinds, shades, and curtains closed when you’re not home. Intruders can look into your house if the blinds are up. If they notice this, they may break in. You should also have them down when you are sleeping.

The best way to keep a burglar out of your garage is making sure nobody can see inside. Don’t leave doors open when you are working in the garage or yard.

Don’t hide keys in obvious areas. Rocks that aren’t real are easy to notice. Doormats are generally the first spot a person would look. The best strategy is to have a neighbor or good friend hold a spare key in case you need it. If you can’t, be creative where you put the key.

Your dog is a great tool for protecting your best home security weapons.Dogs become extremely protective of their families and usually make noises when something is amiss. It is not necessary to have to be a big tough dog. Even small dogs can ward off intruders away since they don’t want lots of noise when committing crimes.

Get a home alarm, but only if the police are called when it’s gone off. Even better is to purchase alarms that are monitored centrally, so that the police are automatically contacted. Don’t rely on anyone else to call.

Spring Latch

Sliding glass doorways can pose security hazards. Unlocking them is done simply by shaking and lifting the handle. Without a security system to protect your home, you should shove a pipe or rod behind the sliding door–between the sliding half of the door and the door frame–to brace it against the frame. This will ensure the door stays tightly shut and it is difficult to force open.

Do not purchase spring latch locks on your doors. These type of locks are easy to break into since they may be opened by using a credit card. Intruders just have to slide a card in between the latch and the door. Add a deadbolt to existing spring latch locks.

Though it is often good to avoid neighborhood gossips, make sure you are friendly with those in your area. The nosy neighbor may be the one to alert you that someone was snooping around your house. Becoming friendly with them makes you more aware of the people they notice.

You shouldn’t keep your auto registration papers in the glove compartment. This is not wise since anybody who gets them is going to know your address. Keep them with you or hide them somewhere else in your vehicle. You should have easy access to them on hand if you should be pulled over.

Always lock your second and even third floor windows. Many folks forget this point and believe that burglars will not bother with those windows. However, this is simply not true. This is often a weak area that criminals know about.

Think about hard-wired system if you have concerns about long term maintenance costs. It can also be pretty expensive to replace many different batteries.

There are obviously benefits to owning a large dog with a scary bark. A barking dog will keep most intruders away. Consider getting a large dog that may protect your family, but is also great with your kids.

Being friendly will make them more likely to alert you great security.

Try to purchase your security system direct from the company, rather than from a re-seller. Why should you provide a middle man with a profit when you can purchase the item straight from the source? When going through the company, you generally won’t have to pay as much, and you can rely on them to fix anything that goes wrong with the system.

Women who live alone or along with only children are easy targets for home invasion. Place something masculine in the front door so it looks like a male lives there.This will definitely deter burglars from breaking into your home.

Don’t let your children leave toys in your yard. Toys are like beacons to burglars letting them know a woman may be home alone. Homes where women live are more targeted since their jewelry is usually more valuable than those of men.

Always change your locks on a new home. This goes for both rentals and purchased homes, so ask your landlord to switch the lock or hire a locksmith to do it yourself, or change the locks on your own.

Avoid letting people outside see inside your home. If you can see a big screen tv or computer from outside your home, a thief can see it too. Be sure to put up good blinds and/or drapes to obstruct the view from outside. If you can’t do that, put your valuable items into a more secluded room.

Video surveillance systems are a criminal’s worst nightmare. Burglars with masks like in movies are not really the norm. Many home burglars will not wear anything to cover their faces at all since they have no intention of ever being seen.

Keep all valuables away from the windows of your home. When expensive items cannot be seen, they are less likely to be the reason for a break-in.

A burglar can easily remove them out and go inside if they are not secure. Remove your window air conditioners in the winter when you do not need them.

When choosing smoke alarms for your house, choose a system that connects each alarm to all others. These alarms are linked together. Thus, if one alarm sounds, all of them will. This means that there is no way you will sleep through an alarm, should a fire occur in one part of your house. You will be able to take immediate action to not only contain the fire, but to also get your family to safety.

There have been many instances where someone has knocked on a door to say they need help, and then when the door is answered, the person busts in and starts wreaking havoc. If someone tells you they need help, make a phone call for them with the door closed.

Now at this point you should a better grasp on your options. Keep this list handy as your plan your new home security system. You will not regret taking the time to address this urgent issue.

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