Have you ever considered installing a security system for your home? Many folks buy one without stopping first to consider if they truly need one.
You can hide your spare key on your dog. This only makes sense if your dog is outdoors a lot or you have a pet door. You can purchase a special collar that will hold your spare key, so when you forget your keys your dog can let you in.
Your dog can actually safeguard a spare house key for you. This can be done if you have a dog can come outside. You could simply put a key onto your dog’s collar, so when you forget your keys your dog can let you in.
Beware giving keys to your maid unless the service has your absolute trust. If you do give your housekeeper a key or plan on doing so, it is imperative that they are honest and upstanding. Be sure to make sure their references check out. If they work for a firm, call the local Better Business Bureau to find out that firm’s reputation.
Above doors or under a mat are not smart ideas. One idea is to hide a spare key is in the collar of your outdoor dog.
Does your canine stay in the yard while you go out? This pet may be an excellent storing spot for your spare key. Attach your spare key inside the collar of your dog. Especially if your dog is not very friendly, this will help keep your key safe.
Don’t let any person you don’t completely know into your house that you don’t know. Even if the person has a compelling story, requires help or has a great product to sell, they should not be given access. This person might just be casing the first rule of keeping your home security equipment.
When you set out to purchase home security equipment, remember to comparison shop. The prices can vary a great deal for the same level of protection from company to company. Try to get two or three quotes before making a decision.
These can be fire hazards and put your home in danger. Clear your yard so it looks good and is safe.
Make sure to clear your yard of brush and dead wood in the summertime. This can be a fire hazard, especially if you live in an area with high heat. Clear up your yard so it looks good and is safe.
See if your area police offer when it comes to home security programs. They may offer things such as home inspections, home inspections, engraving tools for marking code numbers onto items so that they will be easily identified if stolen. Contact your local police department to find out if they have something similar.
Talk to the police department in your area to see what safety programs they have. Many programs include how to use some engraving tools to create code numbers for identifying valuables that are stolen, home inspection, and advice on protective measures. Contact the police department to see if they have something similar.
Put motion sensor lights around your home. These are lights turn on if someone walks near your house. Make sure you keep fresh light bulbs in your motion activated lights so that they continue to work properly.
When choosing a home security firm, trust your instincts. You are giving someone unlimited access to your home, so be sure the installer doesn’t give you a bad vibe. Make sure that the installer has experience installing your type of security system. Do some background research on the company you select, and look for people who make you feel safe.
Some maintain that rural residents lead riskier lives because they are far away from neighbors.Some think burglaries are less prevalent in rural areas.
If you’re in a rural place, you might not be as worried about break-ins as those that are in the city. There are differences between large cities and homes located in the countryside. Still, there are those who are of the opinion that rural properties are less of a temptation to burglars.
Don’t forget skylights when securing your home. Skylights are excellent for beauty and light, but they also tend to be weak spots that intruders take advantage of. Be certain that the skylights for your home can be locked securely.
You could hide some valuables within your walls. You don’t have to damage the walls to do so. There are lots of places around the home that have pre-cut areas that you can use. Consider unwiring an electrical socket that isn’t used and storing your valuable jewelry.
Having these boxes around for a while will let thieves know the type of items that are inside your house.
Don’t put extra keys under doormats or in planters. Remember that you are not the only one who is aware of these sorts of hiding places. Burglars are familiar with these hiding spots. Instead, trust a neighbor to hold your spare key.
Always get references before letting anyone work inside your home. A background check may also be a criminal history. You can’t know for sure about the integrity of people you hire, repairmen or maids you trust with being alone in your home.
No one should be able to see your valuables from outside. Open curtains allow people to see inside your home and see exactly what you have. If you’ve got street facing windows, be sure and keep them covered.
Use the Internet when you are seeking a reliable home security company. After reading about these services, choose your top three for consultations.
When installing your home security system, make sure to hide the wires. Many intruders bypass a security system by cutting the wires. Do not make things simple for a burglar, but rather bury all wires or hide them in the wall. This makes it much less likely that your system will be compromised.
Keep safety at the forefront when doing landscaping. If they are visible, there will be no place to hide. This should be planned in advance for your home additional safety.
Get flashlights with good batteries, and have them in each room in case you lose power. Having a well-charged flashlight on hand is very beneficial in case of emergency. If you have kids, teach them how to properly use the flashlights so everyone in the family can help out during a power outage.
Ask about the history of any home security company how long they have been in business before you sign up for service. A company that’s been around for a while has proved they can survive and provide great service to people. Knowing that you are not dealing with a shady company can keep you calm when making this important decision.
Before you let anyone go into your home, look at their references thoroughly. A background check is also recommended so you know if they have a criminal history. It is impossible to know if the newly hired maid or one time repairman might be a crook unless you check them out. Providing them with your key might be the biggest mistake you’ve ever made.
Thieves often find the trash cans to be a gold mine of information simply by looking through your trash. You can tear papers with personal information into small bits before you discard them.
In the event you find your door open upon arriving home, you should never enter and investigate yourself. This can be a dangerous scenario, as the criminal might still be present. Instead, wait outside until the police come, after calling them on your cell phone.
You can instead get key-less locks that need a code.You can even install these locks yourself or have them professionally installed.
If you don’t own a paper shredder already, you might want to get one. Thieves can get lots of information simply by looking through your trash. If a shredder is too expensive, at least tear relevant paperwork into small bits.
Spring Latch
Make sure a surveillance system is part of your home security system. Adding video cameras on the property can be a good idea. Visible cameras deter many intruders, but if they disable the cameras that they can see, your hidden camera can record the action. As an added security bonus, most modern systems will allow you to monitor your cameras remotely (via cell phone) for round-the-clock protection.
Don’t use locks of the spring latch locks. These locks are easy to break into since they may be opened easily with a credit card. Intruders just have to slide a credit card in between the latch and the door. Add a deadbolt to existing spring latch locks.
If you must hide your key outside, do not put it someplace obvious. Fake rocks are easy to spot. Anyone looking for your key will look under your doormat. It’s better to have a friend, neighbor or relative keep a spare set of keys for you. If you have no trustworthy neighbors, try to be more creative.
Keep curtains pulled tight when you aren’t at home. Intruders can see into your house if they are left up. You ought to keep them drawn while you are sleeping.
If you turn the lights off or on always at the exact time, utilize a timer. This makes it easier for you as you won’t have to flip the switch, but it also ensures the lights continue to go on and off, even if you’re not at home for a long period of time.
Ask the company if they offer systems for lease or buy your security equipment. Buying the equipment might cost more up front, but this means there are no monthly charges. Leasing is usually cheaper, but it comes with strings attached through contracts or continuing fees and charges. Look at both choices to know which one is better for you.
If your current door is anything other than solid wood or metal, swap it out for one that actually is. These types of doors are much stronger and harder for someone to break into. If a thief tried to kick the door, he would not be successful in doing so. The cost of replacing your doors is worth it in the end.
A home alarm might be a good investment if police are notified when it sounds.The best strategy is to buy a centrally monitored alarm so that calls the police always show up if it is triggered. Don’t rely solely on anyone else to call.
See if your security firm offers lighting that is motion-sensitive. Most companies will provide customers with this luxury. When anyone gets too close to the entry way, the lights turn on. This makes your home safer because it warns intruders away.
Sliding patio doors can create a security issue in a home. They can easily opened if someone lifts and then shaking them. This will help keep the door so it just can’t open.
A home alarm system is a terrific investment, but make sure someone is there to call the cops if it happens to go off. This is why it’s a great idea to consider a centrally monitored system. The neighbors will not always call.
You must always make sure your second story windows locked. Many folks forget this step because they believe burglars will not bother climbing your home. This is not the truth. This is often a weak point of home security and criminal generally know this.
Women stand a much better chance of being the victims of home invasions, particularly if they live alone or with kids. A pair of recently worn workmen’s boots on the front porch can give an impression of a strong man living at home. This is sure to scare criminals off from your house.
Home security systems can reduce the chance of burglary by a lot You may actually just need to make some adjustments around the house. You must know your options to see what is best for you.
Don’t leave toys lying around your yard children are not at play. Toys are like beacons to burglars letting them know a woman may be home alone. This also means there may be expensive jewelry inside.